Romantic Stories

A love story in the city of Sydney

In The bustling (occupied with continuous activity) heart of Sydney, somewhere in north Sydney where it is surrounded by Big high rises and big corporate businesses. Ethan and Lara work in separate high-rises, very close to each other. Their lunchtime routine unexpectedly collides at a trendy (fashionable), healthy-ish quick-service restaurant popular with office workers with […]

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Inspirational Stories

The story of Steve Jobs

In the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, under the sprawling (spread out) shadow of the Santa Cruz mountains, the story of Steve Jobs began—an epic tale of vision, failure, redemption (recovery), and legacy that unfolded like a modern-day odyssey (long journey). Steve was born into uncertainty, adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, who provided the […]

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Inspirational Stories

The story of OpenAI

The story of OpenAI is one of ambition, collaboration, and a desire to steer the course of artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity. It began in 2015 when Ilya Sutskever, a prominent AI researcher, along with Elon Musk and Sam Altman, envisioned (imagined) an organization dedicated to the safe and beneficial development of artificial […]

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Science Stories

The story of Television

This is a story about how Television went from clunky (awkwardly heavy and outdated) boxes to windows into another world. It all started way back, almost a century ago, with a curious German scientist named Karl. The year was 1897. In a German laboratory (a room or building for scientific experiments), physicist (a scientist who […]

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Thriller story

Iron Shark and enemy at the sea

Captain Maeve slammed her fist on the sub’s metal table. “Weeks stuck in this tin can, patrolling nothing!” The Sargasso Sea stretched before them, an endless blue desert. Maeve, a woman known for bold moves, hated this dull mission. Suddenly, Liam, the new cryptographer (someone who decodes messages), rushed in. “Captain, trouble!” His voice shook. […]

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Romantic Stories

Love and Adventure in the Enchanted Forest

Aiden lived in a quaint (charming) village. He was brave and kind. Villagers loved him. He explored the mysterious forest nearby. One sunny morning, Aiden found a hidden glade (clearing). There, he saw a girl with shimmering (shining) golden hair. She hummed a melody. Aiden approached her cautiously (carefully). “Hello, I’m Aiden. Who are you?” […]

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Science Stories

The Story of the Steam Engine

Long ago, people dreamt of using steam for power. In the 1st century AD, Hero of Alexandria invented the aeolipile (an ancient steam-powered device). It fascinated many, but remained a curiosity (an interesting but impractical object). The Industrial Age: Seeking Efficiency In the early 18th century, coal miners faced a big problem. Mines filled with […]

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Romantic Stories

A love story in Office

Stella, a witty wordsmith (someone good with words), worked at Buzz Advertising. She loved creating catchy (attractive) slogans. Alex, a visionary (able to see the future) artist, had a mind full of creative ideas. They seemed different but had to work together one night. Stella struggled with writer’s block (unable to write), and Alex felt […]

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Romantic Stories

A Sweet love story at a Bakery

Ami runs a Bakery at the small town, she loved making cakes, pastries and cookies and mastered the art of it over a few years before she started her Bakery and she named it Honeycomb. The shop very soon become popular with locals. Ami would wake up very early in the morning, gets ready to […]

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New English stories

The story of KFC Restaurant

Harland Sanders, a cook with a fiery (intense and passionate) passion for food, toiled in his Kentucky gas station. Customers flocked to his counter, craving his fried chicken. Its secret recipe, a melody (harmonious blend) of eleven herbs and spices (special ingredients), tantalized their taste buds. But Sanders dreamt bigger. He craved (had a strong […]

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Science Stories

How QWERTY Saved the Typewriter!

In the 1870s, a clever (very smart) inventor named Christopher Sholes dreamt of a revolutionary (innovative) machine. He envisioned a device that could write faster and neater than pen and paper. This ingenious (very clever) invention became the world’s first typewriter. However, Sholes’s creation had a glaring (obvious) flaw. The metal bars that stamped the […]

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