All English stories

Thriller story

Iron Shark and enemy at the sea

Captain Maeve slammed her fist on the sub’s metal table. “Weeks stuck in this tin can, patrolling nothing!” The Sargasso Sea stretched before them, an endless blue desert. Maeve, a woman known for bold moves, hated this dull mission. Suddenly, Liam, the new cryptographer (someone who decodes messages), rushed in. “Captain, trouble!” His voice shook. […]

Romantic Stories

Love and Adventure in the Enchanted Forest

Aiden lived in a quaint (charming) village. He was brave and kind. Villagers loved him. He explored the mysterious forest nearby. One sunny morning, Aiden found a hidden glade (clearing). There, he saw a girl with shimmering (shining) golden hair. She hummed a melody. Aiden approached her cautiously (carefully). “Hello, I’m Aiden. Who are you?” […]

Science Stories

The Story of the Steam Engine

Long ago, people dreamt of using steam for power. In the 1st century AD, Hero of Alexandria invented the aeolipile (an ancient steam-powered device). It fascinated many, but remained a curiosity (an interesting but impractical object). The Industrial Age: Seeking Efficiency In the early 18th century, coal miners faced a big problem. Mines filled with […]

History stories

The story of Sunday

In the 18th and 19th centuries, the Industrial Revolution changed work patterns. Factories sprang up everywhere. People moved from rural areas to cities for jobs. They worked long hours, often seven days a week. Life was grueling (extremely tiring). Workers began to feel exhausted and oppressed (treated unfairly). They wanted a day of rest. Labor […]

Romantic Stories

A love story in Office

Stella, a witty wordsmith (someone good with words), worked at Buzz Advertising. She loved creating catchy (attractive) slogans. Alex, a visionary (able to see the future) artist, had a mind full of creative ideas. They seemed different but had to work together one night. Stella struggled with writer’s block (unable to write), and Alex felt […]

New English stories

The story of KFC Restaurant

Harland Sanders, a cook with a fiery (intense and passionate) passion for food, toiled in his Kentucky gas station. Customers flocked to his counter, craving his fried chicken. Its secret recipe, a melody (harmonious blend) of eleven herbs and spices (special ingredients), tantalized their taste buds. But Sanders dreamt bigger. He craved (had a strong […]

Science Stories

How QWERTY Saved the Typewriter!

In the 1870s, a clever (very smart) inventor named Christopher Sholes dreamt of a revolutionary (innovative) machine. He envisioned a device that could write faster and neater than pen and paper. This ingenious (very clever) invention became the world’s first typewriter. However, Sholes’s creation had a glaring (obvious) flaw. The metal bars that stamped the […]

Science Stories

The story of Blue LED

Shuji Nakamura, a brilliant but often underestimated (seen as less important than others) researcher, harbored a dream – to create a bright blue light-emitting diode (LED). Back then, the 1980s, scientists could conjure red and green LEDs, but the elusive (Difficult to find) blue remained a missing puzzle piece (part of something that makes it […]

Romantic Stories

A Train Brought Us Together

The Zurich train station platform shimmered (glowed softly) under the soft glow of the evening lights. A gentle rain fell, more of a drizzle (light rain) than a downpour, creating a hazy curtain around the departing and arriving trains. Elena, usually impatient with delays, found herself strangely at peace. Maybe it was the soft pitter-patter […]

Science Stories

Faraday Discovers electromagnetic

Michael Faraday, a brilliant but unassuming (modest) scientist, was fascinated (greatly interested or attracted) by the invisible forces of electricity and magnetism. In his cluttered (filled with a lot of things messily arranged) lab, he spent hours conducting experiments, sparks of curiosity flickering (burning or shining in an unsteady way) in his eyes. One day, […]

Science Stories

The Discovery of Electricity

Benjamin Franklin was a curious (eager to know or learn something) young man who loved exploring (traveling through or examining a place to learn about it) the world around him. One stormy night, while tinkering (attempting to repair or improve something in a casual or experimental way) in his workshop, he noticed something strange. Whenever […]

New English stories

Pip and Snowball

Ten-year-old Pip adored her dog, a fluffy white ball of fur named Snowball. Snowball, with his floppy ears and tail that wagged like a metronome (a device used by musicians to mark time), on fast forward, was the epitome (perfect example) of cuteness. But Snowball had a playful secret – he loved to explore. One […]

Science Stories

The story of penicillin

Alexander Fleming, a curious (eager to know or learn something) scientist, was studying bacteria (microscopic organisms that can cause disease) in his lab. He left for a vacation, forgetting about a petri dish [shallow dish with a lid for growing bacteria] containing Staphylococcus aureus, a nasty kind of bacteria that causes infections. When he returned, […]

Romantic Stories

College romance story

Meera was a quiet girl who loved to read. She had a secret crush on Arjun, a boy in her college. Arjun was always with his group of friends, laughing and joking. Meera admired (liked) him from a distance, feeling shy to approach (go near) him. One day, fate played its part. Meera was carrying […]

Inspirational Stories

Ravi learns English

Ravi lived in a small, tranquil (peaceful) village in India. His home was surrounded by lush fields that burgeoned (grew; flourished) with crops. Despite the serene environment, life was not easy. His family struggled, but they were robust (strong; tough) and hardworking. From a young age, Ravi was an eager learner. He tottered (walked unsteadily) […]

Emotional Stories

The Last Trick of the Magician

In the quaint town of Rosedale, Elias the magician wandered (moved around without a fixed course), his life a series of enchanting (magically charming) performances that sparked joy wherever he went. With an adroit touch and a penchant (strong inclination) for the whimsical (playfully quaint and fanciful), his shows were not just entertainment but a […]

New English stories

The Night That Changed Everything

David, a diligent (hardworking; attentive and persistent) father, worked tirelessly in a bustling factory in the city’s industrial heart, while his wife Anna supplemented (added to; enhanced) their income with part-time work at a local store. Their children, bright and helpful, balanced school with household responsibilities, supporting the family’s collective struggle. Despite the physical toll, […]

Inspirational Stories

A Chronicle of Two friends

Two college friends, Raj and Sameer, epitomized both hedonism (pleasure-seeking) and hard work. Raj, an art enthusiast with a penchant for the ephemeral (short-lived) beauty of expressionist paintings, aspired to capture life’s fleeting moments on canvas. Sameer, a physics devotee, was captivated by the enigmatic (puzzling) mysteries of the cosmos. Their ambitions were tenacious (holding […]

New English stories

The Camera of Xiao Chen

In the bustling (busy and filled with activity) streets of Shanghai, Xiao Chen, a photographer, stumbled upon an ancient camera in a quaint, forgotten shop. This camera was not ordinary; it held an alchemical (related to medieval chemistry, especially the supposed transformation of matter) power, capturing not the present but echoes or photos of the […]

Emotional Stories

The Story of Devi and Arjun

In a small village in India, young Arjun and his gentle grandmother, Devi, cherished (to hold dear ) their modest existence. Devi, always serene, sold vegetables at the local market from her small but colorful stall, which was their lifeline. Each morning, Arjun would ensconce (establish firmly in a position) himself by her side, arranging the […]

Thriller story

Jack’s Cunning Escape

Under the cover of darkness, a furtive (sneaky and secretive) intruder named Jack stealthily (quietly and cautiously) approached the grand mansion. He had meticulously (carefully and precisely) crafted his plan to infiltrate (enter secretly) the opulent (rich and luxurious) abode,(Home) certain that its wealthy inhabitants would be sound asleep. With deft (skillful) precision, he picked […]