Thriller story

Iron Shark and enemy at the sea

Captain Maeve slammed her fist on the sub’s metal table. “Weeks stuck in this tin can, patrolling nothing!” The Sargasso Sea stretched before them, an endless blue desert. Maeve, a woman known for bold moves, hated this dull mission. Suddenly, Liam, the new cryptographer (someone who decodes messages), rushed in. “Captain, trouble!” His voice shook. […]

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Thriller story

Jack’s Cunning Escape

Under the cover of darkness, a furtive (sneaky and secretive) intruder named Jack stealthily (quietly and cautiously) approached the grand mansion. He had meticulously (carefully and precisely) crafted his plan to infiltrate (enter secretly) the opulent (rich and luxurious) abode,(Home) certain that its wealthy inhabitants would be sound asleep. With deft (skillful) precision, he picked […]

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